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Communicating through the art of graphic design means translating complex information into a visual language which is to be universally understood, as one image is stronger than a thousand words.

Book Layout

When making up a layout for a book,

I aim to find a natural way to put images and text on the sheet so it clearly communicates it's contents, yet keeping it playful and interesting at the same time.

I like to work with grids but divert from them occasionally, to maintain a dynamic flow.


Mapping is bringing structure to a large amount of information in a primarily visual way, in order to communicate your research in one readable document.

Whether the mapping is used as a tool in the design process, or the mapping is the end product itself, the map is generally displayed on one sheet and therefore different from a bound book. 

Image Editing

I love to give images a different identity by changing the colors or textures of the original image, or making a collage.

In doing so, the images better suit the intention of the page, which creates a more cohesive result for the book as a whole. 

Illustrations and Paintings

As a good foundation for any design work,

I like to practice my 

illustration and painting skills, as it overlaps a lot in terms of using color, shapes and textures to create a composition. 

Starting with following Bob Ross tutorials and copying from Jan Sluijters or Van Gogh, I've recently discovered the world of digital illustrations.

 Graphic Animation

For the exhibition of my graduation project during Dutch Design Week 2022 I created an animation to perform a live narration over.

The animation was created in

After Effects by Linda Huijbers, while I did the graphic design.